This is an image of the harbour today. The wind is NNW 45 km/h, gusting to 58. The temperature is 10 degrees. Tonight it will go down to minus 5, and the high tomorrow is 7. On Tuesday of next week, the forecast high is zero and we may have snow flurries. All of that is appropriate because it is, after all, still March here in Ferguson’s Cove. Spring did arrive last Tuesday, but we all know that that just means equal amounts of day and night and no promises of anything more. So a clear and not too cold day with strong winds out of the north is pretty much par for the course for us right about now.
Today is not a bad day to be outdoors, especially if you are in the sun and out of the wind, but it’s nothing like yesterday, the last day of our brief interlude of summer. Environment Canada will tell you that yesterday was not normal. If you care to check there, you will see that our normal maximum for March 22 is 5 degrees, and the normal minimum is -4. And if you check yesterday’s actual readings, you will see a maximum of 27.2 degrees and a minimum (last night up until midnight) of 11.5 degrees (if you’re still stuck in Fahrenheit readings, that means it was 81 at the hottest part of the day and dropped to 53 at night). It was indeed an interlude of summer.
I don’t have images of yesterday because a camera cannot tell you what the air feels like, and it does still look like early spring here, with a slight reddening of the ends of the birch branches, the beginning bulges of red maple flowers, and the lawn doing its level best to show its true colours. The only sure sign of that summer warm you can see today is the sudden growth of green shoots in the chives, as if they were waiting for just a hint of encouragement from the weather, and the tulips and daffodils pushing up, but that couldn’t tell you what yesterday, and the two days before, felt like.
Here are some words to help you imagine our brief interlude of summer:
- lunch and supper on the back deck, me in a t-shirt and shorts and still finding it hot;
- walking in bare feet in the evening and feeling the radiant heat from the stones in our walkway;
- driving with the car windows wide open;
- seeing my students in last night’s class in their short shorts, legs still white from winter;
- noticing the air conditioning on in the Superstore;
- opening our doors and windows to cool the house off;
- seeing a guy walking on Herring Cove Road with no shirt on and a newly sunburnt back;
- driving by the little waterfall coming out of Chocolate Lake and thinking we could maybe swim there;
- walking out to the car under black night sky and bright stars and being reminded of summer nights in Greece.
The list could go on because the interlude of summer was crazy, but now it’s over. We’re dropping back towards normal, which is good. As Lol said, If we keep on having weather like this, we’ll be sure to have bad forest fires. And it doesn’t have to be up in the twenties for me to love the warmth of the sun in the blue skies of March; those hotter, whiter skies of high summer will come, but I’m content to wait for them and to savour these interludes, long or short, whenever they do happen.
Carpe diem, and don't forget your sunscreen!
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