Here is one that fits today’s theme, I think:
Honour Roll Student Drunk at Pep Rally
I know what you think, and for once I don’t care.
Skipping class to pound rum and cokes at my house
puts these cheers in a whole new light: Go Blue.
Let’s get out of here. I’ll drive.
Let’s park your Corvair behind a Dumpster at Meijer’s
and spend the rest of the afternoon drinking PBR.
Roll a joint and take down that feathered roach clip
hanging from your rearview mirror.
Let me have your tongue in my mouth for a while.
And for fuck’s sake, stop talking.
I want to stay out until the night past the dashboard
is black as the cheap kohl eyeliner
I see the girls behind Sunshine Foods
melt down with their yellow lighters
before rimming their lids like rabid animals.
Come on, let’s board up the windows with our breath.
Let your fingers slide inside my panties,
your belt buckle break open easily in my hands.
If you want to read more, you can buy the book, or you can hear her read a few more of her poems here.
And if you, like SP, are a smart girl, be happy that she is going to start her study of you and girls like you.
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