Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow days and winter picnics

Today was a snow day for Halifax schools so Lorraine and I were not able to go to A.’s Primary class reading event where family members were invited to come and read with our kids or grandkids or nieces or nephews.  We were told we could wear pajamas, and A. was excited at the prospect and was definite that she was going to – we hadn’t decided ourselves, though I had been thinking of a dressing gown I could put on; however, it didn’t happen because of that pesky northeaster that was blowing through this morning, so Lorraine suggested we take the girls to the library instead this afternoon.

We had a lot of fun doing that and signed out sixteen books and nine videos.  Then they came to our house to look at the books, check out a couple of the videos, and eat cheezies and sliced apple while they snuggled on our big bed.

I stayed upstairs with the girls while Nan (Lorraine) made some supper and then decided to set it up in front of the woodstove for a winter picnic.

Then she decided that the carpet was an island and everyone spent time sunbathing on a big towel and stretching their legs up on the edge of the couch.

My suggestion was to toast marshmallows in the stove, so I melted the ice off our hot dog sticks that were still in the treehouse, and then Nan decided we could make s’mores with chocolate digestive cookies.

What can I say, except that it was some good (some jeezly good!) and the girls had a right fine (and fun) time.  So, hooray, I say, for a snow day – it’s important to make the best you can of it, and I think we did!