Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Memories from Morgan


I've been thinking about you a lot over the past few months... and as a result some memories have floated in that I want to share...

I remember when you lived in the birth place of Hockey...Windsor NS...it was so cold and you lived in an attic, I believe, maybe before the days before Maitland………………Maitland is a beautiful place, long grass sheltering the mudflats, the chocolate inlet of salt water and big green yard with a grand house full of character sitting square and proudly facing the street...family gatherings.....a photograph of the bearded brothers all gathered in the yard, smiling faces on a sunny day. Seemed like there was a never ending pile of wood that needed stacking or splitting. The giant printing press in the mudroom...so many pieces...it was a contraption from another time. Tea...so much tea...I really only drank tea with Nanny and your family...We were all sitting in your library room, the one to the left at the bottom of the stairs, sipping evening tea...it warmed my belly and the rest of my body...I found it sooo soothing to drink...that made you giggle. However of all my Maitland memories the one that stands out and one that I'm not sure I've ever shared with you? It happened on the ride home from a visit with you guys. I was 5ish and through the death of our dog Loakie was coming to terms with mortality...On the drive I asked my parents who would look after us in the case they both died? Pam said "who do you want to live with?" That was easy...without a doubt in my mind I wanted to live with you guys...to hear Pam confirm that she felt like she could arrange it ended my concerns...it was a Big relief.

Cross country skiing, introducing me to Bobby D, Running out of gas on our drive home from Wentworth, swimming at the Pond, walking through cow patties to get to the swimming hole, there are so many memories...the other memory that I want to share has to do with you reading a poem at Lindsay and my wedding reception. It was late summer or early Fall of 1996 and you were just moving into the house in Ferguson's cove...the subaru, brimming with housewares, was parked in front the moving truck which had it's ramp leading to the base of the side kitchen door.  I had just come to know Lindsay that summer and she was special to me... she was there helping with the move. You were in good spirits, probably because you now lived with a view of the ocean. Load after load made it's way into the house...on one occasion Lindsay walked out of the truck with a box and you walked in while I collected my load...as I left the truck you said to me..."She's got a sparkle in her eye...she's a keeper"...and I smiled in agreement...Appreciative that someone I respected and loved saw what i saw.

I am thinking of you from out here in Portland...wishing I was closer but sending positive vibration from across the continent. I Love you very much.


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